C.Shreve the Professor Presents BARS with “Splattermouth”

When Shreve drops, I listen. I may not always post about every song–or every song in a quick/fast/Speedy time. However, I listen to every word. He’s never been an artist to slouch on a song. “Splattermouth” continues that streak of good-ass music. Lyrically, Shreve is at his best here. Over a faster-paced boombap track than some of his other songs, the Professor gives us bars for the sake of bars. Sometimes, you need tracks like that. Hell, if you’re not putting out a track where you’re testing yourself lyrically and bar-wise, are you really a rapper? Not to sound elitist, but I don’t think so.

The beat here, crafted by Netherlands-based producer Luciano Mattioli, is perfect for lyrical gymnastics. Shreve flips and turns on this beat like Simone Biles and Aly Raisman. My friends, that’s all I (think I) need to say about this one. If you want lyrical hip-hop that’ll give you a screwface at some of the intricacies of rhyme, check this one out and remember to support dope music in all its forms. This is just one of a Year of Shreve where the artist will drop new music monthly. And yes, SOTB will cover it all. Like taxes and death, Speed rocking with Shreve tracks is unavoidable.

Speed on the Beat

Whatever you need to know about me, you can find out on speedonthebeat.com. Dad of two, cat dad (of two), mental health advocate, Team Support Dope Music in All Its Forms.

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